Department of Botany

History and Introduction

The Department of Botany was started from 2009 in Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mirpur. Now, the legislative Assembaly of Azad State of Jammu and Kashmir was declared the Azad Jammu and Kashmir University of Bhimber as an independent University Vide Act No. LD/Legis.-Act/203-13/2023. The Act was passed by the legislative Assembaly of Azad State of Jammu and Kashmir on 30th day of November, 2023 and received the assent of the presedent on the 13th day of December, 2023 is hereby published (Act VIII of 2023). According to the Act VIII of 2023, Department of Botany including all academic staff, admin staff and all laibilities of Department of Botany, MUST Mirpur were merged in the Azad Jammu and Kashmir University of Bhimber. The MUST, Mirpur has been granted NOC before the approval of Act VIII of 2023. The BS Programme was started in Department of Botany from 2014. The MPhil and PhD programme was also started in 2012 in the department. Currently Department of Botany has obtained NOC for BS programme. Hence, NOC process for MPhil and PhD programmes is still under process.

Botany as a subject is multidisciplinary in nature, involving study of plants and their genetic, morphological and physiological attributes, their surrounding environment and their role in conservation of environment. Botany is a combination of various disciplines such as Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Toxicology, Genetics, Physiology, Ecology and Microbiology. This subject has significant role in human resources development, food security, environmental conservation, sustainable development and ultimately in alleviation of poverty.

Each program must have a mission, measurable objectives and expected outcomes for graduates. Outcomes include competency and tasks that graduates are expected to perform after completing the program’s education. A strategic plan must be prepared and placed to achieve the program objectives. The extent to which these objectives are achieved through continuous assessment and improvements must be demonstrated.

Vision Statement

To be a superior teaching and research institution, having transformative impact on society and acting as a knowledge corridor between Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan and rest of the World.

Mission Statement

To impart knowledge about the major disciplines of Botany. It will enable the students to understand the principles of organizations and inter-relationships in the biological systems with particular reference to plant diversity. To teach different methods of exploration, investigation, organization of data and its utilization in Lab.


  • To provide basic knowledge of Botany and Allied courses
  • To obtain knowledge about the flora of the local area
  • To prepare and enable young students to obtain further higher education in different areas of Botany to solve environmental issues for the provision of sustainable services to society.
  • To develop professional graduates by nurturing and polishing the talent of students through national and international collaborations providing opportunities for visits to different national and international institutions.